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comic for Tuesday , January 1 , 1901

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Thursday, September 21, 2000

one? Yep, we've launched another comic with the title, "Idle
Minds" and no, it's not a rehaul. This is Idle Minds EX, sort
of like a webcomic OAV, not a miniseries though. IMEX is basically
the same strip except with an anime inspired art style and a tad
bit different humor. The comics will run parallel to eachother,
IMEX will appear on the frontpage of Idle Minds on Saturdays as
well as on here, so if you hate Idle Minds but love IMEX feel free
to just link to this site, and if it's the other way around then
feel free to link to Idle Minds. Best of all, Panda-chan's drawing
it! Yep, that's right, Amanda from Idle Minds is actually the primary
artist for IMEX, with me filling in on all the other little duties
(webmaster, occasional colorist, yatta). Check back often, because
even if the humor sucks, there'll be some reeeeeaaaaaaal purty pictures.

-Stig(who looks damn cool as an IMEX character, don't you agree?)

posted by The Idle Minds EX Crew 2:47 PM

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Idle Minds EX is © 2000 Stig Greve, Sam Walker, Joel McCoy, Lisa Thornsbury, and Amanda Cosmos - All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction or reprinting is strictly prohibited. Idle Minds is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. The news updater was made possible by , a very cool automation service, have a look when you can.